Oblivion let me do that one again
Oblivion let me do that one again

oblivion let me do that one again

“I used the Spirit Arts to craft an unbreakable bond. “If you’re thinking that you’ll be able to get rid of my curse, I’m sorry to disappoint you Janus.” She said. My blood would be boiling if I had any blood to boil. Attempting to do so will generate a shockwave of immense physical pain that deals HP Damage per second. You are incapable of physically disobeying Night-Witch Zlosta Janje. You are incapable of physically betraying Night-Witch Zlosta Janje. Again, I found myself unable to move, again, I found her on top of me, carving something burning down my spine. Something slammed me into the ground with all the force of a charging bull. Trapping her could be another solution, but even then it was a stopgap measure at best. There was no point in fighting her if killing her was impossible. The broken trees and foliage became a blur in the background as I did my best to escape from Zlosta.

Oblivion let me do that one again