Crusader kings 2 game of thrones white walkers
Crusader kings 2 game of thrones white walkers

They were manageable at first but after these many wars the Reach`s man power is dwindling so Is there a way to take out the white walkers for good or should I try and flee to Essos? Im also starting to doubt its even possible to win at this point as they just immediately declare war again and get their troops back but I would love to know if I have to restart or not cause I would rather salvage my current save.įalketh wrote:So Im playing as Willas Tyrell and I married Sansa stark pressed her claim for the North and the riverlands had Daenerys killed managed to get a Tyrrell as Lady paramount of the westerlands and broke free from the Iron throne along with my Wife Sansa and now rule as the incapable kind of the Reach. (My ruler took a head blow during ramsays rebellion which was before a faceless one took out ramsay.) One problem the Nights watch lost the war of dawn probably do to the boltons and various riverlands lords rebelling and taking the Norths time and now the White walkers are slowly devouring the north and growing stronger. So Im playing as Willas Tyrell and I married Sansa stark pressed her claim for the North and the riverlands had Daenerys killed managed to get a Tyrrell as Lady paramount of the westerlands and broke free from the Iron throne along with my Wife Sansa and now rule as the incapable kind of the Reach.

Crusader kings 2 game of thrones white walkers